
Baidu SEO Services for your Business

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What is Chinese Digital Marketing?

Search Engine Optimization involves content optimization and structural design of your site. When performed properly, SEO enhances your site’s visibility on search results pages when someone searches for a particular keyword or phrase.

Baidu SEO's objective is to generate an attractive return on investment for your business caused by a higher number of qualified visitors to your domain. Learn about SEO marketing in Los Angeles.

Ready to Grow Your Business With SEO & Digital Marketing Services?

Our Baidu SEO services include:

  • Increased Organic Rankings
  • Keyword Research
  • Organic Search Growth
  • High-Quality Content Creation
  • Backlink Analysis and Image Optimization
  • Web Analytics and Traffic Analysis
  • Improved Customer Experience
  • More Clients, More Calls, More Leads, and More Conversions

Our SEO & Digital Marketing Clients Get Result

Improving your site ranking in the Chinese markets requires smart Baidu web optimization strategies; hence, Baidu Services is the wisest decision. With over 80% of the Chinese markets, it is the de facto search engine in China.

As with any search engine, Baidu’s higher rank means more business, better leads, and overall business growth. But ranking on Baidu requires a much different approach than ranking on Google. You’ll not only need keywords that are optimized for the audience, but you’ll also need processes that leverage Baidu’s algorithms.

Like Google, Baidu is more than just a simple Chinese search engine. It’s important to consider mobile search, web search, pay-per-click, video search, shopping search, image search, and other critical components of the Baidu eco-system.

Our comprehensive marketing strategy goes beyond the basics and leverages crucial tools to create spectacular short-term Baidu SEO campaigns and scalable long-term solutions.

Your Business, Optimized for the Chinese Market – SEO & Online Marketing Services

Poorly targeted campaigns lead to slow or no growth. Targeting the audience via Baidu search engines requires a strategy that taps into deep analytics to offer smart, directed journeys for potential buyers.

We identify your audience using a combination of the latest data and metrics, including discovering your specific business needs and focusing on your company’s culture to help drive high-intent, high-value leads into your funnel. We don’t just assume that Baidu for China requires a different approach; we know it does, and we understand it exactly.

Remarkable & Unique Content For Chinese SEO Websites

Like Google, Baidu’s search engine algorithm is addicted to high content. Your digital story fuels your customer’s journey, and when executed skillfully, it empowers people not only to take notice but to take action.

We help brands deliver end-to-end content that’s relevant to your business. Your digital experiences help your customers relate to your brand and engage with your image.

Our scalable content strategies are the online rocketship you need to launch faster, engage more thoroughly, and boost conversion rates. We create content that demands results.

Fueled by data – Baidu’s Google Tags

Today’s technological landscape requires flawless data acquisition and attribution to remain competitive. Who should you target? Why should you target them? Where are they in your funnel? Where have they been, and where are they going?

We combine pools of highly-relevant customer data with firmographics and demographics that deliver the right visitors to your business and then help you convert them into customers. Our services use baked-in data analysis. We don’t believe that there are bad clients— just weak acquisition strategies.

Our 8 Steps Outline

Keyword Research

Keywords glue customer intention to your SEO strategy. Your keywords are your marketing fuel. They represent the intention of your clients, and they represent your services, brand, and needs.

We build smart keyword databases driven by your target audience's intent, your competitor’s paid search campaigns, and your overall brand and services.

We also take your current target audience and adjust it to a Chinese atmosphere — ensuring that your keywords are thoughtful and conversion-driven. We deliver enterprise-level SEO to all of our customers via enterprise SEO platforms to create continuous streams of valuable organic traffic.

Competitor Analysis

Discover your competitor’s strengths & weaknesses to deliver superior digital experiences.

Winning on the web requires sophisticated competitor analysis that identifies your top competitors’ keywords, then leverages their weaknesses to help you rank faster, spend smarter, and grow more easily. We back all of our competitor research with high-quality analytics to help you grab a bigger chunk of the Chinese search market share.

You want to appear in Baidu’s web browser for the specific words that will bring you the biggest and easiest sales. We ensure that it happens.

Audit and Technical SEO

We take care of the back-end to give you competitive agility on the front-end.

Baidu SEO isn’t only about your keywords and content. Your meta-tags, map, image files, and schema all play a critical role in how Baidu ranks your site.

We work to identify all of your technical weak points, and we dive into the code to help you address and repair any critical mistakes. In the end, online marketing is all about consistency – don’t just deliver better content than your competitors; deliver a better overall experience.

Your clients will thank you, and you will thank us.

Content Writing

We breed content-centric strategies.

We believe that content is the heart of your SEO strategy. Sure, SEO works as a whole, and there are several parts. Still, you want to deliver tangible value to every customer whose digital footprint touches your site’s doormat.

Our online marketing staff includes native Chinese content creators with multilingual skills who know how to make your content speak in ways that resonate personally.

After all, what’s the point of taking the time to create great content for Baidu if your clients aren’t digesting it happily? We make every word count.

Link Building

Gain authority and link juice with smart, ethical backlinks. To plan a successful backlink campaign, the most difficult aspect is to find the domains of trust. Being an experienced marketing agency, we will save a lot of time and resources for you, our team exclusively working on backlinks.

SEO doesn’t only happen on your website. Your offsite SEO is the magic that turns your domain into an authority figure. We help spread your brand by developing smart and ethical backlinks that leverage value-driven content and savvy brand-to-brand relationships while avoiding those spammy (and scammy) link building campaigns.

Baidu’s algorithm is smart, and it expects your backlinks to be real, relatable, and relevant. Building links play an essential role in Chinese internet marketing. Having healthy backlinks from credible sources can boost your Baidu ranking and bring targeted traffic to your site. 

Ecosystem Coherence – Global Market

Win with a comprehensive strategy that includes images & videos to pay-per-click campaigns.

Baidu’s search function is only one component of the Baidu puzzle.

We leverage Baidu Zhidao (similar to Google’s “Questions & Answers,”) Baike (similar to Wikipedia,) Tuiguang (similar to Google’s Adwords,) Maps, Image Search, partnered social media platforms, and more to create comprehensive strategies that leverage all of Baidu’s critical services and marketing channels. Don’t just appear on the Baidu search.

Appear on Baidu everything.

Mobile Optimization

We make mobile optimization the heart of your online marketing strategy.

We spread our mobile-first manifesto to your business’s Baidu strategy. With more and more people navigating Baidu on mobile screens, you need to meet them on the devices they use most.

We are sure that your website is mobile-ready for the Baidu audience. Your business should embrace the future of search and capitalize on it – not hide from it. We will help you optimize through a web mapping application too.

Baidu Analytics and Penalization Prevention

We prevent abuse and create data-driven campaigns.

With Baidu Analytics, we can ensure that every dollar on your ad spent is intelligent. You want your keywords and PPC strategy to be strong and functional.

We find the data to back it up and make every move quantifiable. Baidu is aggressively anti-spam (more so than Google!), and small infractions can lead to serious consequences. We keep your campaigns aligned to Baidu’s policies, best-practices, and expected standards.

This will keep your online presence coasting through the rankings without running headfirst into a brick wall of compliance.

If you’re ready to reach a completely new market, it’s time for us to talk. Let us explain in detail how Bliss Drive can capture users and an audience that you never thought was possible.

Addressing Your Needs

Bliss Drive is the Answer – Professional Analysis of Baidu

We’re a true, one-stop-shop for Baidu SEO services. We’re dedicated to helping your business grow in the emerging Baidu markets, which is the world’s fastest-growing economy.

When people type something into a search bar, they have a clear intent, whether researching a product or making a purchase. We grab our detective hats and ensure that high-intent clients reach your page first with sophisticated Baidu optimization market techniques.

Every market is different. You can’t copy-paste Google strategies into a Baidu campaign. We deliver hyper-relevant Baidu campaigns that resonate with the markets.

Our Baidu Chinese SEO marketing strategies include:

  • Mobile Optimization
  • Keyword research
  • Market Analytics
  • Demographic Research
  • Firmographic Research
  • Backlink Optimization
  • Content Creation and Curation
  • PPC Campaigns
  • Paid Ads
  • Web Development
  • Technical Chinese SEO
  • and plenty more – all targeted at Chinese users.

Why choose Bliss Drive as your SEO & Digital Marketing Agency

It should be quite clear to you by now that achieving dominance in the Chinese markets requires ranking well on Baidu.

Baidu, #1 search engine in China, and it can help your digital growth explode overseas.

We believe that ranking on Baidu requires special methodologies that go beyond the basic turnkey solutions. It would help if you had personalized content, smart keyword research, and keen insights into the technical components of Baidu’s mind — like indexing and PPC.

We’ll start by auditing your website and showing you a clear, coherent roadmap to success backed up by usable data and relevant case studies.

For an effective SEO Baidu, we will help you out with the following features: 

Unique content

Unique content is very important for Baidu, the kind that you can not find duplicates of on the web. In fact, you will be penalized if your website has similar or clone content. This is why you will have to search the web and get duplicate content removed from websites. By doing so, your website will rank rightfully as it should.

Quantity and Quality

Unique content sure is the key, but you must also have a minimum of 300 words on each page.

Consistent New Content

Baidu likes consistently active websites. The Baidu search engine looks for fresh and new content. This is why it is recommended to create a company blog. Your website will have content-rich material and will be an active authority in your industry by that blog.

Language & Translation

China is a large country. China has approximately more than 200 languages and dialects. This means that one word may have several meanings. In case your content uses the wrong meaning words, Baidu might ding you. This is why your content should be translated by a professional whose native language may also be Chinese. But during translation, it should be noted that Baidu prefers Simplified Chinese over the Traditional Chinese language.

Title Tags

Similar to Google, Baidu also requires a title tag. But you will only have a buffer limit of 35 characters as simplified Chinese characters are equivalent to two roman characters. It is best to write a keyword-rich phrase along with a branded term.

Meta Keyword Tags

Just because we no longer require meta keyword tags for Google, it doesn’t mean we don’t use them in Baidu. Baidu takes meta keyword tags seriously. We’ll make sure that we include around three to five keyword phrases for each page of your Baidu site.

Alt Tags for Images

In Baidu, using ALT tags is the safest way to ensure that the images are ranked. We include this in our SEO strategy. 

Benfits of Baidu Search Engine Optimization:

  • You can be easily found through organic search by your target audience on Baidu. 
  • You can improve your ranking on Baidu using the targeted Keywords. 
  • Improve your overall business ranking on Baidu, China’s Google equivalent. 
  • Increase leads and organic search traffic to your Chinese site. 
  • You can achieve optimum indexing of the webpage on Baidu for visibility and SERPs.
  • Increase the conversion rate, the volume of quality, sales, and inquiries. 

We do both – Baidu / Google SEO In Chinese

To conduct a Chinese web optimization campaign, we may suggest focusing on either Baidu and Google search engines or even both, depending on your business’s target audience and your objective.

We recommend Baidu SEO campaigns to target Chinese users that are within China. We suggest a Google marketing campaign in Chinese for marketing campaigns that target Chinese users living abroad or internationally. 

At Bliss Drive, we have successfully conducted online marketing campaigns for years now, on both search engines and for nearly every type of industry sector.

From advertising your business on new social media platforms to developing a Chinese language optimized website, we can help create and execute a comprehensive online marketing campaign for you.

Customized Optimization

Leverage SEO’s power and exceptional advantages in a results-driven way with our team of expert professionals. Our skilled staff will ensure that your business grows its online presence, receives increased quality traffic to your website, and a higher conversion rate from Chinese customers.

Web Optimization Planning

We will carefully listen to your needs and understand your business in detail before crafting your optimization plan to meet your unique goals and your target audience’s demands. From thorough competitor research to delivering a customized SEO strategic campaign plan with follow up analytics, we provide quality outcomes. 

On-Site Search Engine Optimization

We will analyze your website and identify necessary changes to optimize for a better user experience. By adjusting content, user experience, and flow, we guarantee that Baidu will easily and precisely index your business’s website for greater visibility.

Our on-site optimization services have the key aspects needed for success. We will handle it completely for you, from submitting your website to creating internal links, tags, optimal structures, etc. Our team will create content that will resonate both with human readers and the search bots of Baidu. We will optimize every aspect of your website to increase its search-friendly feature.

Off-site Search Engine Optimization

Link building is a powerful strategy that is also highly relevant for off-site SEO. Our staff will create all backlinks required to bring targeted traffic to your site. We will deliver you an increased conversion rate.

Our off-site services include PR activity and reputation management on China’s largest search engine. To make this possible, we create and post branded articles and blog posts on selective third party platforms, optimize keyword rankings for the content published on search engine results pages (SERPs) and optimize the Baidu drop-down search box. This confirms that your brand is displayed on top of the Baidu search bar recommendations when Chinese consumers search relevant terms. Allows us to show you how!

Tracking Performance, Ongoing Reporting, and Improvement

Tracking your performance is essential to track your journey towards market success. We will measure previous activities and set a benchmark for the future. To analyze up-to-date and reliable online data for your marketing campaign, we take help from Baidu Tongji (Analytics) and Ziyuan (Webmaster) tools. This will allow us to improve the performance of your China SEO campaign and understand trends consistently. 

By using performance tracking data, we also give customized weekly or monthly reports. These reports include data, analysis, and trends about your website’s traffic, landing page stats, target terms ranking, etc.  Baidu integrates marketing to target the engagement of the audience.

Website Audit

Want to know where does your online presence stands in comparison with its competitors? Do you want to analyze the situation and your business position? For this, all you need is an SEO audit that entirely analyzes your website and its position in search engines. 

With our professionals’ extensive skills and experience, we can easily figure out how to rank your site, the best terms to use, and your traffic sources. Most importantly, your market position. 

We will let you know if your website is ready for the audience and Baidu. Our team of Chinese SEO experts analyze and make the necessary adjustments to your website to fix it.

Optimizing Content - Increased Search Rankings

We ensure that we develop a user-friendly and Baidu friendly website for you, from hosting and picture optimization to the navigation menu and design.

Our copywriting team, along with our Baidu specialists, will create high quality and relevant content using the right terms and code to make sure your website ranks higher. We write the content that “speaks,” not just plan texts. 

Don’t have a Chinese website? Please find out about our Web design and development services to grow your business in China. 

Benefits of Choosing Bliss Drive as Your Baidu SEO Agency

Fast Process

We analyze your project and put together the best suitable team for it. We agree on planning and strategizing. We start working on it right away. 

Cost-Effective Agency

We are not here to loot you or rip you off. When you succeed, we succeed. We adapt to every budget. Big or small business firms, we have a solution for each. 

On top of trends

We do not rely on our laurels. We come up with new and unique marketing solutions to offer our best top-notch services to you. 

Remote or Local

We are easy to get in touch with. Visit us, give us mail or a phone. We will always be there to assist you.

Experienced Agency

We have years of experience in delivering quality services. Our team has delivered successful services to companies from different industry sectors. 

Customized Consulting

We believe that each project is different and unique. We come up with new and customized strategies for each of our customers to ensure their success.

We give global cross border marketing techniques and use Baidu SEO solutions for businesses looking to expand in China.

Baidu SEO & Digital Marketing Services China

We are excellent at attaining maximum search engine ranking in Baidu’s organic search results by doing extensive research and optimizing your company’s web pages. The implementation of Baidu SEO should be taken into account to raise long-term visitor flow. Before we can launch Baidu SEO, there are a few things you will need: 

  • Chinese Content- Simplified. 
  • For quicker web performance in or near China or a current website that already has an online reputation.
  • For the Chinese Web, have your webpage optimized. 

Chinese Web Optimization

As China’s leading search engine company, Baidu has researched Google’s key components and uses many of Google’s services. Baidu SEO in comparison with Google: 

  • Baidu uses only Chinese. 
  • It utilizes Baidu’s pay per click system, which is very similar to Google. 
  • Baidu uses various algorithms.
  • The News Search Results layout is very much the same, 
  • Both use Geo-Targeting   
  • They both use a Quality Score that will reduce the CPC. 

China and International Outreach

Our digital marketing specialists for market outreach have a thorough understanding of the China market. Our wide network in China also provides a detailed and cost-effective cross-regional marketing solution that greatly increases our customers’ benefits to meet their goals.

We have expertise in the different popular online platforms used in different regions (Hong Kong, Beijing, etc.) and in-depth knowledge of cultural references and trends in different markets, which can be integrated into national and global focused advertising and Baidu SEO strategy planning. 

We have a dedicated team to serve keyword database and ad copies, giving the Chinese audience genuineness. To promote Baidu’s SEO and marketing solutions in China, data analytics will be used. Contact us or schedule a meeting to learn how our services can benefit your business in China. We provide services to different sectors like e-commerce, real estate, dentists, etc., and at different locations like New York, California, Hong Kong, Mainland China, etc.

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